Abhay Patel
Smart Contract Auditor iz New Delhi, India

As a Smart Contracts Auditor, I have performed code reviews, vulnerability assessments, and testing and debugging of complex smart contracts written in Solidity. Using various tools and frameworks,...

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  • IT I Mreže - Drugo

As a Smart Contracts Auditor, I have performed code reviews, vulnerability assessments, and testing and debugging of complex smart contracts written in Solidity. Using various tools and frameworks, such as foundry, Hardhat, Slither, Ganache, and RemixIDE. I am also a Solidity Developer, with a passion for learning and exploring new technologies and trends in the blockchain space. I have developed and deployed several smart contracts and NFTs on the Ethereum network. I have also contributed to open-source projects and communities, such as Ethereum Foundation, OpenZeppelin, and ConsenSys. I am currently pursuing a Road to Web3 Degree from Alchemy University, where I am expanding my knowledge and skills in web3 development, cryptography, consensus algorithms, and DeFi.